In 2023, we plan to offer home grown produce and farm raised goat meat.


Located in Southern Indiana, we moved here in August 2022 after purchasing land from family across the road and building our forever home. We now plan to turn our land into a homestead. Plans are in the works for gardens next spring, as well as researching what it would take to start a meat goat operation on our farm. It’s exciting to see what we can do with our land and learn what works for us!

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  • Rendering Lard

    So we recently had some feeder pigs taken off to be butchered. My in laws usually get some feeder pigs once a year or so, and we get one along with them, and they raise them to butchering age/weight. When calling in our cut order, I asked about getting some of the fat back, because…

  • Thankful

    Since moving into the new house in August, I decided we would host both sides of our family for Thanksgiving so the grandparents wouldn’t have to cook. I delegated some of the food to my mom, mother in law, and sister and had my husbands grandma make some pies. I was responsible for making the…

  • Thanksgiving Adventures

    I’ll start out by saying Happy Thanksgiving to you all! My husband had today and the next three days off work and hadn’t been hunting in a while, so he took advantage of his time and went out this morning. He shot a doe! While his dad and sister came over to help him move…